
On resize react
On resize react

You can customize the properties of the sizes object by passing a custom reporter function as first argument of useResizeAware. This object contains the width and height properties, these properties are going to be null before the component rendered, and will return a number after the component rendered. The node is not going to interfer with your layouts, I promise. This is an invisible React node that must be placed as direct-child of the HTMLElement you want to listen the resize events of. The Hook returns an array with two elements inside: (first element) Heads up!: Make sure to assign a position != initial to the HTMLElement you want to target ( relative, absolute, or fixed will work). Make sure you also wrap the root of your application in the new ViewportProvider, so that the newly rewritten useViewport Hook will have access to the Context when used further down in the component tree.Import React from 'react' import useResizeAware from 'react-resize-aware' const App = ( ) => ) This hook helps you to dynamically recover the width and the height of an HTML element. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of having to reach for CSS and media queries we could create these responsive layouts right in our React code? Let’s take a quick look at a naive implementation of something like this, to see exactly what I mean: const M圜omponent = () => = eContext(viewportContext) However, sometimes in a React application, you need to conditionally render different components depending on the screen size. If the user does not resize the panel, resize the entire screen, or resize the ambient panel to change the size of the result set, the size must be. Developing responsive layouts with React HooksĬSS is the perfect tool when it comes to creating responsive websites and apps, that’s not going to change any time soon. Resize Query Results Panel ( ) I thought that I could easily show the results of the query executions, but adjusting the size of each query panel ended up being very bothersome. Ben Honeywill Follow UK-based frontend engineer building cool web software with Teacher, learner, and lover of JavaScript.

On resize react